How to Serialize and Deserialize Debezium Messages with Quarkus Stream: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Serialize and Deserialize Debezium Messages with Quarkus Stream: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you struggling to work with Debezium messages in your Quarkus-based application? Do you want to learn how to serialize and deserialize these messages effortlessly? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process of working with Debezium messages using Quarkus Stream.

What is Debezium?

Debezium is an open-source project that provides a set of tools for Change Data Capture (CDC) from various databases. It allows you to capture changes from databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, and send them to Kafka topics. This enables you to build event-driven architectures and real-time data pipelines.

What is Quarkus Stream?

Quarkus Stream is a reactive extension for Quarkus that provides a simple and efficient way to work with streams of data. It allows you to create reactive pipelines that can process large volumes of data in real-time. Quarkus Stream is designed to work seamlessly with Debezium, making it an ideal choice for building event-driven architectures.

Why Serialize and Deserialize Debezium Messages?

When working with Debezium messages, it’s essential to serialize and deserialize them correctly to ensure data integrity and accuracy. Serialization involves converting the message into a byte array, while deserialization involves converting the byte array back into the original message. This process is crucial when sending and receiving Debezium messages between different systems or services.

Serializing Debezium Messages with Quarkus Stream

To serialize Debezium messages with Quarkus Stream, you’ll need to create a custom serializer that converts the message into a byte array. Here’s an example of how to do this:

public class DebeziumMessageSerializer implements Serializer<DebeziumMessage> {

    public void serialize(DebeziumMessage message, BytesOutput output) throws IOException {

In this example, we’ve created a custom serializer that takes a DebeziumMessage object as input and serializes it into a byte array. The serializer writes the message version, key, value, timestamp, and operation to the byte array using the BytesOutput API.

Configuring the Serializer

To use the custom serializer with Quarkus Stream, you’ll need to configure it in your file:

In this example, we’ve configured the serializer to use the custom DebeziumMessageSerializer class for serializing Debezium messages.

Deserializing Debezium Messages with Quarkus Stream

To deserialize Debezium messages with Quarkus Stream, you’ll need to create a custom deserializer that converts the byte array back into the original message. Here’s an example of how to do this:

public class DebeziumMessageDeserializer implements Deserializer<DebeziumMessage> {

    public DebeziumMessage deserialize(BytesInput input) throws IOException {
        int version = input.readInt();
        byte[] keyBytes = input.readBytes();
        byte[] valueBytes = input.readBytes();
        int ts = input.readInt();
        byte[] opBytes = input.readBytes();
        DebeziumMessage message = new DebeziumMessage();
        message.setKey(new String(keyBytes));
        message.setValue(new String(valueBytes));
        message.setOp(new String(opBytes));
        return message;

In this example, we’ve created a custom deserializer that takes a byte array as input and deserializes it into a DebeziumMessage object. The deserializer reads the message version, key, value, timestamp, and operation from the byte array using the BytesInput API.

Configuring the Deserializer

To use the custom deserializer with Quarkus Stream, you’ll need to configure it in your file:

In this example, we’ve configured the deserializer to use the custom DebeziumMessageDeserializer class for deserializing Debezium messages.

Working with Debezium Messages in Quarkus Stream

Now that you’ve serialized and deserialized Debezium messages with Quarkus Stream, let’s see how to work with them in your application. Here’s an example of how to create a reactive pipeline that processes Debezium messages:

public Multi<DebeziumMessage> processDebeziumMessages() {
    return Multi.createFrom().publisher(DebeziumMessageProducer.getInstance());

In this example, we’ve created a reactive pipeline that produces Debezium messages from a DebeziumMessageProducer instance. The pipeline uses the custom serializer to serialize the messages before sending them to the “debezium-messages” channel.

Consuming Debezium Messages

To consume Debezium messages from the pipeline, you can create a subscriber that deserializes the messages and processes them accordingly. Here’s an example:

public void processMessage(@Incoming("debezium-messages") BytesMessage message) {
    DebeziumMessage deserializedMessage = deserializeMessage(message);
    // Process the deserialized message
    System.out.println("Received message: " + deserializedMessage);

In this example, we’ve created a subscriber that consumes Debezium messages from the “debezium-messages” channel. The subscriber uses the custom deserializer to deserialize the message and then processes it accordingly.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered how to serialize and deserialize Debezium messages with Quarkus Stream. By following these steps, you can effortlessly work with Debezium messages in your Quarkus-based application and build event-driven architectures that scale.

Tips and Tricks


Resource Description
Debezium Documentation Official Debezium documentation
Quarkus Stream Documentation Official Quarkus Stream documentation
Quarkus GitHub Repository Quarkus GitHub repository

By following this guide, you should now be able to serialize and deserialize Debezium messages with Quarkus Stream. Remember to test your serializer and deserializer classes thoroughly to ensure data integrity and accuracy. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Quarkus Streams and Debezium messages! If you’re wondering how to serialize and deserialize Debezium messages with Quarkus Streams, you’re in the right place. We’ve got the answers to your burning questions.

What is the best way to serialize Debezium messages with Quarkus Streams?

When it comes to serializing Debezium messages with Quarkus Streams, you can use the Debezium serialization module. This module provides serializers for various formats, including JSON, AVRO, and PROTOBUF. Simply add the Debezium serialization module to your Quarkus project, and configure the serializer to match your message format.

How do I deserialize Debezium messages with Quarkus Streams?

Deserializing Debezium messages with Quarkus Streams is just as easy! You can use the same Debezium serialization module to deserialize messages. Simply configure the deserializer to match the message format, and Quarkus Streams will take care of the rest. You can also use a custom deserializer if you need more control over the deserialization process.

What happens if I don’t serialize and deserialize Debezium messages correctly?

Ouch! If you don’t serialize and deserialize Debezium messages correctly, you might end up with corrupted or lost data. This can lead to all sorts of problems, from data inconsistencies to system crashes. So, make sure to get it right from the start! Take the time to configure your serializers and deserializers correctly, and test them thoroughly to avoid any issues.

Can I use custom serializers and deserializers with Quarkus Streams and Debezium?

Absolutely! If the built-in serializers and deserializers don’t quite fit your needs, you can create your own custom serializers and deserializers. Quarkus Streams and Debezium provide a range of customization options, so you can tailor your serialization and deserialization processes to your specific use case.

Are there any performance considerations when serializing and deserializing Debezium messages with Quarkus Streams?

Yes, performance is an important consideration when working with Quarkus Streams and Debezium. Serialization and deserialization can be CPU-intensive processes, so it’s essential to choose the right serialization format and configure your serializers and deserializers wisely. You may also want to consider using caching, batching, or other optimization techniques to improve performance.