Unlocking the Secrets of Private Variables in ES6 Classes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Their Values in Extension Methods
Image by Yancy - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of Private Variables in ES6 Classes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Their Values in Extension Methods

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As JavaScript developers, we’ve all been there – stuck with a seemingly insurmountable problem, trying to access the value of a private variable in an ES6 class. But fear not, dear reader! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of private variables and show you exactly how to get their values in extension methods.

What are Private Variables in ES6 Classes?

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s take a step back and understand what private variables are in the context of ES6 classes. In JavaScript, private variables are variables that are declared inside a class and are only accessible within that class. They are not directly accessible from outside the class, making them, well, private.

class MyClass {

  constructor() {
    this.#myPrivateVariable = 'Private value';

In the above example, `#myPrivateVariable` is a private variable declared inside the `MyClass` class. As you can see, private variables are prefixed with the `#` symbol, indicating that they are private and should not be accessed directly from outside the class.

Why Do We Need to Get the Value of Private Variables in Extension Methods?

So, why do we need to access the value of private variables in extension methods? Well, sometimes we need to extend the functionality of an existing class, and that’s where extension methods come in. Extension methods allow us to add new functionality to an existing class without modifying its underlying structure.

But, what if we need to access the value of a private variable in that class to perform some operation? That’s where things get tricky. Since private variables are, well, private, we can’t directly access them from outside the class. Or can we?

The Problem: Trying to Access Private Variables Directly

Let’s try to access the value of a private variable directly from an extension method. Sounds simple enough, right?

class MyClass {

  constructor() {
    this.#myPrivateVariable = 'Private value';

const myClassInstance = new MyClass();

console.log(myClassInstance.#myPrivateVariable); // undefined

Uh-oh! As expected, we get `undefined` because we’re trying to access a private variable directly from outside the class. This is where the magic of JavaScript’s syntactic sugar comes in.

The Solution: Using Getters and Setters

One way to access the value of a private variable in an extension method is by using getters and setters. Getters and setters are special methods that allow us to control access to private variables.

class MyClass {

  constructor() {
    this.#myPrivateVariable = 'Private value';

  get myPrivateVariable() {
    return this.#myPrivateVariable;

const myClassInstance = new MyClass();

console.log(myClassInstance.myPrivateVariable); // "Private value"

Ah-ha! We did it! By creating a getter method, we’re able to access the value of the private variable from outside the class. But wait, there’s more!

Using the `Proxy` API

Another way to access the value of a private variable in an extension method is by using the `Proxy` API. The `Proxy` API allows us to create a proxy object that can intercept and manipulate property access.

class MyClass {

  constructor() {
    this.#myPrivateVariable = 'Private value';

const handler = {
  get: function(target, prop) {
    if (prop === 'myPrivateVariable') {
      return target[prop];
    return target[prop];

const myClassInstance = new MyClass();
const proxy = new Proxy(myClassInstance, handler);

console.log(proxy.myPrivateVariable); // "Private value"

Whoa! We did it again! By creating a proxy object with a custom handler, we’re able to access the value of the private variable from outside the class.

Using a Higher-Order Function

Yet another way to access the value of a private variable in an extension method is by using a higher-order function. A higher-order function is a function that takes another function as an argument or returns a function as a result.

class MyClass {

  constructor() {
    this.#myPrivateVariable = 'Private value';

  accessPrivateVariable(fn) {
    return fn(this.#myPrivateVariable);

const myClassInstance = new MyClass();

const result = myClassInstance.accessPrivateVariable(value => value);
console.log(result); // "Private value"

Tada! We did it once more! By using a higher-order function, we’re able to access the value of the private variable from outside the class.


In conclusion, accessing the value of private variables in ES6 classes can be a bit tricky, but with the right techniques, it’s definitely doable. Whether you use getters and setters, the `Proxy` API, or higher-order functions, the key is to understand the underlying mechanics of JavaScript’s private variables and syntactic sugar.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the secrets of private variables and getting their values in extension methods. Happy coding!

Method Description
Getters and Setters Use getter and setter methods to control access to private variables.
Proxy API Use the Proxy API to create a proxy object that can intercept and manipulate property access.
Higher-Order Function Use a higher-order function to access the value of a private variable.

Remember, the key to accessing private variables is to understand the underlying mechanics of JavaScript’s private variables and syntactic sugar. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to unlock the secrets of private variables and get their values in extension methods.


  1. Q: Why can’t I access private variables directly?

    A: Private variables are declared with the `#` symbol, indicating that they should not be accessed directly from outside the class. This is a security feature to prevent external interference with the class’s internal state.

  2. Q: Can I use the `Reflect` API to access private variables?

    A: Yes, you can use the `Reflect` API to access private variables, but it’s not recommended as it can be considered a hack. The methods outlined in this guide are more scalable and maintainable.

  3. Q: Are there any performance implications when using these methods?

    A: Yes, there may be performance implications when using these methods, especially when using the `Proxy` API. However, the impact is usually minimal and can be mitigated with proper optimization techniques.

We hope this comprehensive guide has been informative and helpful in addressing the question of how to get the value of private variables in extension methods in ES6 classes. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get value of private variable in extension method ES6 class in JavaScript? We’ve got you covered!

Can I access a private variable from an extension method in an ES6 class in JavaScript?

Unfortunately, no. Private variables are not accessible from outside the class, including extension methods. This is due to the encapsulation principle of object-oriented programming, which ensures that private properties remain private. If you need to access a variable from an extension method, consider making it public or using a different design pattern.

Is there a way to expose a private variable to an extension method without making it public?

One possible solution is to use a protected accessor method within the class, which can be accessed by the extension method. This way, you can control who has access to the private variable while still allowing the extension method to use it.

Can I use a static method to access a private variable in an ES6 class?

No, static methods have the same access restrictions as instance methods. They cannot access private variables directly. If you need to access a private variable from a static method, you’ll need to use a public or protected accessor method, as mentioned earlier.

Are there any workarounds to access a private variable using a proxy or a wrapper class?

While it’s technically possible to use a proxy or wrapper class to access a private variable, it’s not recommended. This approach can lead to tight coupling and breaks the encapsulation principle. Instead, focus on designing your classes and interfaces to provide a clean and well-defined API.

What’s the best practice for handling private variables in ES6 classes?

Follow the principles of encapsulation and data hiding. Use private variables to store sensitive or internal state, and provide public or protected methods to access or manipulate that state. This ensures that your classes are modular, maintainable, and easy to use.