Selenium Remote Driver is Giving Error with Proxy Authentication: Resolved
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Selenium Remote Driver is Giving Error with Proxy Authentication: Resolved

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When working with Selenium remote driver, you might encounter an error related to proxy authentication. This issue can be frustrating, especially if you’re not familiar with the underlying mechanisms. In this article, we’ll explore the solutions to overcome this hurdle and get your tests running smoothly.

Understanding the Issue

The error typically occurs when the Selenium remote driver is unable to bypass the proxy authentication. This can happen due to various reasons, including misconfigured proxy settings or incorrect credentials. The error message might look something like this:

“Error 407 Proxy Authentication Required”

Resolving the Issue

To resolve the proxy authentication error with Selenium remote driver, you can try the following solutions:

1. Setting the Proxy Credentials through Desired Capabilities

You can set the proxy credentials through desired capabilities in your Selenium test code. Here’s an example in Java:

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
capabilities.setCapability("proxyType", "manual");
capabilities.setCapability("proxy", "http://username:[email protected]:8080");

2. Using the Proxy Class in Selenium

Selenium provides a built-in Proxy class that can be used to set the proxy credentials. Here’s an example in Python:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.proxy import Proxy

proxy = Proxy()
proxy.proxy_type = ProxyType.MANUAL
proxy.http_proxy = "http://username:[email protected]:8080"
proxy.ssl_proxy = "http://username:[email protected]:8080"

capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX

driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor="http://localhost:4444/wd/hub", desired_capabilities=capabilities)

3. Disabling Proxy Authentication

If you have access to the proxy server, you can disable the proxy authentication to resolve the issue. However, this might not be feasible in all scenarios, especially in production environments.

4. Using a Proxy Server that Supports NTLM Authentication

If you’re using a proxy server that supports NTLM authentication, you can try using a third-party library like cntlm to bypass the proxy authentication.

By implementing one or more of these solutions, you should be able to resolve the proxy authentication error with Selenium remote driver. Remember to tailor your approach according to your specific use case and proxy server configuration.


In conclusion, Selenium remote driver errors related to proxy authentication can be resolved by setting the proxy credentials through desired capabilities, using the Proxy class in Selenium, disabling proxy authentication, or using a proxy server that supports NTLM authentication. By following these solutions, you can overcome the hurdle and ensure seamless execution of your Selenium tests.

Remember to stay tuned for more informative articles on Selenium and automation testing.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Selenium remote driver and proxy authentication errors!

Why is Selenium remote driver giving me a proxy authentication error?

This error usually occurs when the remote driver is not configured to handle proxy authentication. Make sure to set the correct proxy settings and credentials in your code before initializing the remote driver. You can do this by using the ‘DesiredCapabilities’ class in Selenium WebDriver.

How do I set the proxy authentication details in my Selenium remote driver?

To set the proxy authentication details, you need to create a ‘Proxy’ object and add it to the ‘DesiredCapabilities’ object. Then, pass the ‘DesiredCapabilities’ object to the remote driver. For example, in Java, you can use the following code: `DesiredCapabilities cap =; cap.setCapability(“proxy”, proxy);` where ‘proxy’ is the ‘Proxy’ object.

What is the correct format for specifying the proxy authentication details?

The correct format for specifying the proxy authentication details varies depending on the programming language and proxy type. Generally, you need to specify the proxy URL, username, and password. For example, in Java, you can use the following format: `http://username:password@proxy_url:port`.

Can I use a proxy pac file with Selenium remote driver?

Yes, you can use a proxy pac file with Selenium remote driver. A pac (Proxy Auto-Config) file contains a JavaScript function that determines the correct proxy server for a given URL. To use a pac file, you need to specify the pac file URL in the ‘Proxy’ object. For example, in Java, you can use the following code: `Proxy proxy = new Proxy(); proxy.setAutodetect(false); proxy.setPac(“http://path_to_pac_file”);`.

How do I troubleshoot proxy authentication errors with Selenium remote driver?

To troubleshoot proxy authentication errors, you can try enabling debug logging for the remote driver, checking the proxy settings and credentials, verifying the pac file contents (if used), and testing the proxy connection manually using a tool like curl or Postman. You can also try using a different proxy or adjusting the proxy timeout settings.

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